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Family Lawyers, Divorce Law | Accelerate Family Law
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Order Form
Order Confirmation
Initial consultation
An appointment with one of our Family Lawyers to discuss Family Law issues (max 1 hour).
Initial consultation with letter of initial advice
An appointment with one of our Family Lawyers to discuss Family Law issues (max 1 hour) with a letter of advice confirming the initial advice provided.
Follow-up consultation (per half hour)
A follow-up appointment after your initial consultation with one of our Family Lawyers to discuss Family Law matters.
$150 per half hour
Follow-up consultation (per hour)
A follow-up appointment after your initial consultation with one of our Family Lawyers to discuss Family Law matters.
$300 per hour
Document review and initial consultation (simple)
An initial consultation including reviewing any documents prior to the consultation (max 1 hour).
Document review and initial consultation (complex)
An initial consultation including reviewing any documents prior to the consultation (2 to 3 hours)
$300 per hour
Personal Guided Tour of the Family Court
A tour and introduction the Family Court with an Accelerate Family Law staff member (non-lawyer). Max 1 hour. *Not available for some Courts.
Personal Guided Tour of the Family Court
A tour and introduction the Family Court with one of our Family Lawyers. Max 1 hour. *Not available for some Courts.
Form 11 Application for Consent Orders
A form used to formalise an agreement reached in relation to parenting and/or property/maintenance issues, so that the agreement is legally binding.
Form 1 Initiating Application
A form used to commence Court proceedings.
Form 1A Response to Initiating Application
A form used to respond to a Form 1 Initiating Application that has been filed in Court.
Form 2 Application in a Case
A form used to make an application for interim or procedural orders once a matter has already commenced (i.e. after a Form 1 Initiating Application has been filed).
Form 2A Response to Application in a Case
A form used to respond to a Form 2 Application in a Case that has been filed in Court.
Conciliation Conference Particulars
A document outlining assets, liabilities and any other relevant issues to be relied upon in a court-ordered Conciliation Conference.
Application for Divorce
A form used to apply for divorce. Now mainly completed online.
Minute of Orders
A document filed in Court in a matter currently before the Court to secure Court Orders by consent of the parties.
$880 max
Papers for the Judge
Summaries of the information which you intend to rely on at trial which are provided to the Judge.
$2,200 max
Trial Documents (Amended Application or Response, and Affidavit)
Documents detailing the orders you will be seeking at trial, as well as a detailed sworn statement of evidence used at trial in relation to parenting and/or property issues.
$3,600 max
Affidavit (simple)
A sworn statement of evidence.
Starting from $660
Case Information Affidavit (WA only)
A sworn statement of evidence.
Letter drafting (simple)
A letter for various purposes.
Starting from $200
Name of other party (if applicable)
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